Berean Students Worship Team Sign Up

The Doxa Worship Team seeks to draw other students into worship as we praise God through music, while training young worship leaders.

Who: Any 6th – 12th grader with aspiring musical or sound tech talent and teachable spirit. Older students will be given more stage time.

When: Rehearsals are Sundays from 12:30 – 1 PM, and Wednesdays from 5:30 – 6 PM.
Core Values:

·       Worship – We seek to give God thanks, praise, and glory through genuine worship, not just a musical performance.

·       Leading – Leading worship is about glorifying God, not ourselves. Any talent we have was given by God. Our goal in leading worship is to draw other students to worship.

·       Excellence – We strive to be well-rehearsed, playing and singing to the best of our ability, removing distractions that might hinder a spirit of worship.

·       Training – We balance our pursuit of excellence with an environment of learning. Doxa Worship Team is a place where students can grow, make mistakes, and relax in the joy of the Lord as we praise Him together.


·       Regularly attend Doxa on Wednesday nights and Berean Student events.

·       Participate in a low-pressure audition with the Worship Team leaders, to establish musical skill level. No prior experience is required for sound tech or background vocals.

·       Be ready to rehearse at 5:30 PM on Wednesdays and 12:30 PM on Sundays. Practice the songs at home. Come to rehearsal ready to play/sing.

·       Model a high standard of behavior, including a spirit of unity and meekness. Commit to personal spiritual growth.

Student Info

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Student Worship Team Covenant

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The Doxa Worship Team seeks to draw other students into worship as we praise God through music, while training young worship leaders.

Who: Any 6th – 12th grader with aspiring musical or sound tech talent and teachable spirit. Older students will be given more stage time.

When: Rehearsals are Sundays from 12:30 – 1 PM, and Wednesdays from 5:30 – 6 PM.